Flugforensik - Abstürze und ihre Geschichte Podcast

In dem Podcast "Flugforensik" diskutieren Benjamin Denes und Andreas Spaeth in jeder Folge über ein Flugzeugunglück. Sie führen Interviews mit Beteiligten, Augenzeugen und Experten, während sie Flugunfallberichte zitieren und Funksprüche analysieren. Der Podcast behandelt verschiedene Flugzeugunglücke und deren Hintergründe. Dabei stehen nicht nur spektakuläre Abstürze im Fokus, sondern auch seltene oder weniger bekannte Vorfälle. Das Ziel des Podcasts ist es, die Ursachen und Konsequenzen dieser Unglücke zu verstehen und daraus zu lernen. Um den Zuhörern einen umfassenden Eindruck zu vermitteln, werden in jeder Episode Videos, Fotos und Originaldokumente bereitgestellt. Diese zusätzlichen Materialien ergänzen die Gespräche und bieten visuelle und informative Einblicke in die untersuchten Flugzeugunglücke. "Flugforensik" bietet somit eine einzigartige Möglichkeit, ausgewählte Flugzeugunglücke genauer zu analysieren und die Hintergründe zu verstehen. Der Podcast richtet sich an ein breites Publikum, das sich für Luftfahrt und Flugunfalluntersuchungen interessiert. Durch die verschiedenen Perspektiven und Expertenmeinungen wird ein umfassendes Bild der untersuchten Ereignisse gezeichnet.

Die neuesten Episoden:

Boeing 777-Crash in San Francisco: Überschlagen auf der Landebahn (Asiana 214/2013)

Boeing 777-Crash in San Francisco: Überschlagen auf der Landebahn (Asiana 214/2013)

In this episode of Flugforensik, Benjamin Denes and Andreas Spaeth discuss the dramatic crash of Asiana Flight 214 in San Francisco 10 years ago. They interview Esther Jang, a passenger who shares her disturbing experiences on board the Boeing 777. Pilot Peter-Christian Möhrke analyzes a highly sensitive NTSB video to investigate the causes and errors during the approach to landing. Additionally, Purser and Safety Trainer Marco Todte explains how flight attendants prepare for such disasters. The episode provides unique insights into the accident and important lessons to be learned from it.

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AF296 landet im Wald: Der Airbus-Crash von Habsheim

AF296 landet im Wald: Der Airbus-Crash von Habsheim

Die aktuelle Podcast-Episode behandelt den Air France-Crash von 1988 in Habsheim. Bei einer Flugvorführung landete ein Airbus A320 im Wald, wobei das berüchtigte Video des Unfalls entstand. Obwohl dieses Video surreal wirkt, kamen bei dem Unglück nur drei der 136 Insassen ums Leben. In der Episode kommen verschiedene Experten zu Wort, darunter die damalige Medien- und PR-Managerin von Airbus, A320-Piloten und ein Überlebender des Absturzes. Es wird erläutert, welche Rolle die Cockpitcrew gespielt hat und dass das Unglück mit der neuartigen Computersteuerung und dem Fly-By-Wire-System des A320 zusammenhing. Airbus wird jedoch nicht für den Crash verantwortlich gemacht. Zusätzlich zu der Episode werden für Premium-Abonnenten auf Patreon und Apple Podcasts zwei Bonustracks veröffentlicht: detaillierte Interviews mit der ehemaligen Airbus-Managerin und einem A320-Kapitän.

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SAA295: Der Absturz der Helderberg - fatales Feuer im Frachtabteil

SAA295: Der Absturz der Helderberg - fatales Feuer im Frachtabteil

In this podcast episode, the hosts focus on the crash of a South African Airways jumbo jet into the Indian Ocean in 1987. All 159 people on board were killed, and it was determined that a fire had occurred on the Boeing 747-200M. The cause of the fire has remained a mystery, and the hosts, Andreas Spaeth and Benjamin Denes, interview experts and investigate the incident. They speak with Rennie van Zyl, the former head of the accident investigation, who provides insights into the crash. Journalist Linden Birns explains how the South African regime used the aviation industry to evade sanctions in the late 1980s. Additionally, a captain and flight attendant share their experiences with the Combi-Jumbo aircraft at Lufthansa. The hosts also talk to journalist and author Patrick Huber, who has extensively researched and published on the Helderberg crash. His book, "Tödliche Flammen im Frachtraum - Der mysteriöse Absturz der Helderberg," is available for purchase on a dedicated website. The hosts express their appreciation for their patrons and offer discounts on merchandise in their online fan shop.

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QF32: A380 in Not - Kampf um 469 Menschenleben

QF32: A380 in Not - Kampf um 469 Menschenleben

Diese Podcast-Episode behandelt das beinahe schwerste Flugzeugunglück der Luftfahrtgeschichte mit nur einer Maschine. Ein Airbus A380 der Qantas erleidet kurz nach dem Start in Singapur eine Triebwerksexplosion. Die Tragfläche und der Rumpf werden von Teilen einer Turbinenscheibe durchschlagen, was zu Massenschäden an Leitungen und wichtigen Hydrauliksystemen führt. Die 469 Insassen befinden sich in großer Gefahr. Im Cockpit arbeiten fünf Piloten unter der Leitung von Kapitän Richard de Crespigny daran, das Flugzeug zu retten. Benjamin Denes und Andreas Spaeth führen Interviews mit Kapitän de Crespigny, Passagierin Johanna Friis, A380-Kapitän Claus Cordes und Triebwerks-Experte Prof. Dr. Jens Friedrichs von der TU Braunschweig. Die Episode endet mit Johanna Friis' persönlicher Geschichte über die Auswirkungen dieses Ereignisses auf ihr Leben. Die Flugforensiker bedanken sich bei ihren Unterstützern und verweisen auf exklusive multimediale Inhalte für Patreon-Spender. Schließlich werden die zwei Bücher von Richard de Crespigny empfohlen.

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Flamingo 108 - Und dann schlug der Blitz ein

Flamingo 108 - Und dann schlug der Blitz ein

In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss the 1988 crash of a Fairchild Swearingen Metroliner in Germany. The plane, carrying mostly businesspeople, was flying from Hannover to Düsseldorf when it encountered a thunderstorm. The aircraft was struck by lightning, causing a power outage and a series of events that led to the loss of control and the breakup of the plane. All 21 occupants were killed. The episode features interviews with Hans-Rudolf Wöhrl, the founder of the airline, a former Metroliner pilot, a flight investigator from the Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accident Investigation (BFU), a photographer, and a police officer who witnessed the crash. The hosts also announce new ways to support the podcast, such as Patreon memberships, merchandise sales, and personalized podcast advertising. They thank the patrons and supporters who have already contributed. The episode includes a cover photo of a Metroliner provided by a photographer and is narrated by Anne-Katrin Mellmann and Neela Richter.

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Air France 4590 - Das Ende der Concorde

Air France 4590 - Das Ende der Concorde

In this podcast episode, the flight forensics talk to Concorde pilot Jean-Louis Chatelain about the tragic crash of the Concorde in Gonesse on July 25, 2000. Chatelain had received his Type-Rating for the supersonic jet just one day before the accident and was friends with the pilot of the ill-fated aircraft. As he had previous experience with aviation accident investigations, Chatelain was part of the investigation committee for the Gonesse crash. Flight forensic expert Andreas Spaeth, who had flown with the Concorde eight times, shares his experiences and surprises related to this aviation legend. In addition, aviation law expert Elmar Giemulla joins the episode to discuss the legal representation and compensation negotiations for the German victims of the Concorde crash. The episode also features Jörg Simon, Head of Operations at Munich Airport, discussing the control of foreign object damage on runways. The episode concludes with an announcement that the Flugforensik podcast will continue in January 2023, with a new episode, merchandise, and a new website. Listeners will have the option to support the podcast with donations. The episode includes references to a documentary on the Concorde crash, the book "Überschall-Passagierjets" by Andreas Spaeth, and the use of various music and sound effects.

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Lauda Air 004: Schubumkehr in den Tod

Lauda Air 004: Schubumkehr in den Tod

In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss the worst aviation disaster in Austrian history, which occurred on the night of May 26-27, 1991. A Lauda Air Boeing 767 crashed 15 minutes after takeoff in Bangkok, leading to suspicions of a bomb attack due to the aircraft breaking apart in mid-air rather than near the airport. However, the voice recorder from the cockpit was quickly found, providing evidence of something seemingly impossible happening on Lauda Air flight NG 004. The hosts interviewed relatives of the victims, experts, former pilots and flight attendants from Lauda Air, and Boeing accident investigator Kevin Darcy, who was present at the crash site. Pilot Andreas Lampl explains the aerodynamic features of the Boeing 767 and their influence on the flight path, as well as why Niki Lauda's simulator flights were not a credible contribution to the investigation. Former Lauda Air flight attendant Susi Scheithauer shares her experience of a grim task she had a few days after the accident, and experts analyze the atmosphere at the private airline during its early days. The hosts also provide additional resources and videos related to the episode.

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Zwischenruf: Neues zum Fall IF450 und von Flugforensik

Zwischenruf: Neues zum Fall IF450 und von Flugforensik

In this podcast episode, flight forensic experts Benjamin Denes and Andreas Spaeth provide an update on the case of the Interflug plane that crashed in Königs-Wusterhausen 50 years ago. They also correct some mistakes from previous episodes and share comments from listeners. They then ask the audience for suggestions on how to support the podcast. The regular new episode and the next case will be released on October 14th, not the 16th as mentioned earlier. The upcoming episode will focus on the crash of Lauda Air Flight 004. Listeners can participate in a survey by responding directly on Spotify or sending an email to info@flugforensik.de. The hosts also provide links to their YouTube channel and the website of Claus Judeich, a local tour guide in Königs-Wusterhausen.

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Alaska 261: Helden ohne Chance

Alaska 261: Helden ohne Chance

In this podcast episode of "Flugforensik," Benjamin Denes and Andreas Spaeth discuss the tragic crash of Alaska Airlines Flight 261 off the coast of California on August 31, 2000. The MD-83 aircraft went into an uncontrollable descent and crashed into the Pacific Ocean, resulting in the death of all 88 people on board. The episode explores the struggle of the experienced pilots to regain control of the aircraft after noticing problems with the elevator trim of the plane. Erik van Wingerden, a former MD-83 co-pilot, explains the intricacies of trimming the elevator and discusses why an call to Alaska Airlines' service center did not provide a solution. The podcast also marks the one-year anniversary of "Flugforensik" and encourages listeners to subscribe, rate, and recommend the podcast. The show notes include links to the guest's website, live ATC audio downloads, and additional resources related to the episode.

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Western 2605 - Das Unglück der Nachteule (Warnung vor drastischen Aufnahmen)

Western 2605 - Das Unglück der Nachteule (Warnung vor drastischen Aufnahmen)

In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss the plane crash that occurred in Mexico City on October 31, 1979. A DC-10 aircraft from Western Airlines landed on a runway that was supposed to be closed, colliding with a dump truck and crashing into a hangar. 72 out of 88 people on board the plane, as well as the driver of the truck, were killed in the accident. The Mexican investigators quickly blamed the American cockpit crew for the tragedy, but the circumstances surrounding the crash are still unclear. The hosts interview Eduardo Valenciana, a former flight attendant who was on board that night and believes that the airport and air traffic controllers share a significant part of the blame. They also speak with Fokko Doyen, an experienced pilot who flew the successor model to the DC-10, and discuss the challenges of landing in Mexico City and how pilots deal with extreme fatigue and runway closures. The episode ends with the hosts encouraging listeners to subscribe to the podcast, recommend it to others, and leave positive reviews.

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