Mordlust Podcast

Der Podcast "Mordlust - Verbrechen und ihre Hintergründe" behandelt wahre Kriminalfälle aus Deutschland. Die Journalistinnen Paulina Krasa und Laura Wohlers besprechen in jeder Folge zwei Fälle zu einem bestimmten Thema und analysieren die strafrechtlichen und psychologischen Aspekte. Sie hinterfragen dabei beispielsweise die Schwierigkeiten bei Indizienprozessen, die Techniken zur Erlangung von falschen Geständnissen und mögliche Präventionsmaßnahmen. Die beiden suchen nach Erklärungen für Verbrechen aus Habgier, niedrigen Beweggründen oder Mordlust. Neben dem Besprechen von Fällen und Themen, begleiten die Moderatorinnen auch Gerichtsverhandlungen und führen Interviews mit Experten. Trotz des ernsten Themas wird die Atmosphäre ab und zu aufgelockert, jedoch ohne respektlos zu sein. Zusätzlich verweisen sie auf ihre Werbepartner für interessierte Hörer.

Die neuesten Episoden:

#124 Alles auf Rot

In dieser Podcast Episode von "Mordlust - Verbrechen und ihre Hintergründe" geht es um die Glücksspielsucht und die damit verbundenen suizidalen Gedanken. Zwei Fallbeispiele werden behandelt: Im ersten Fall gerät ein Ehepaar auf der Autobahn in Streit und verursacht einen Unfall, bei dem eine Person stirbt. Bei den Ermittlungen wird im Haus des Paares ein erschreckender Fund gemacht. Im zweiten Fall arbeitet eine Frau in einer Spielhalle und wird Opfer eines gewalttätigen Kunden, der nicht nur auf Gewinne, sondern auch auf Gewalt aus ist. Die Episode thematisiert, dass Spielsucht eine psychische Krankheit ist und "einfach aufhören" nicht so leicht ist. Der Psychologe und Glücksspielforscher Tobias Hayer erklärt, wie es zur Sucht kommt und warum pathologische Spieler oft mildere Strafen bekommen. Zudem werden Probleme wie Paranoia, Betrug, Überfälle auf Casinos sowie das Problem mit der Verfügbarkeit und Werbung von Glücksspielen diskutiert. Am Ende der Episode werden Beratungsstellen für Spielsüchtige und Angehörige aufgelistet.

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#123 Besonders verachtenswert

In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss the motive of murder from otherwise low motivations. They present two cases to illustrate this concept. The first case revolves around Britta, who lives in a peaceful setting with her dogs and horses. Her life takes a turn for the worse when her new boss, Mrs. Ahrend, disrupts her perfect world. Britta's work becomes unbearable, and her relationship with her partner, Peter, starts to suffer. Eventually, Mrs. Ahrend mysteriously disappears. The second case involves Alex, a 20-year-old about to graduate from high school. He works at a gas station to save money for his driver's license. One day, two friends visit him at work, and a customer enters the store unexpectedly. Alex becomes the target of the customer's long-suppressed anger. The podcast explores various motives for murder, such as anger, disappointment, hatred, and revenge. While these are emotions that everyone experiences, they do not typically lead to acts of manslaughter or murder. The hosts discuss how courts determine when a motive is particularly despicable and how this can pose challenges in legal cases. The episode also includes an interview with Dr. Klaus Malek, a specialist in criminal law.

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#122 Memento

Diese Podcast-Episode von "Mordlust - Verbrechen und ihre Hintergründe" behandelt das Thema sexuelle Gewalt gegen Kinder und die Auswirkungen von falschen Erinnerungen. Es werden zwei Fallgeschichten präsentiert: 1. Annika hatte jahrelang denselben merkwürdigen Traum und kann sich nicht erklären, was er bedeutet. Erst Jahre später erinnert sie sich bei einem Gespräch an die Szene aus ihren Träumen. Dieses Erlebnis zerstört ihr Leben, da sie sich nun an sexuellen Missbrauch erinnert. 2. Die Zwillinge Alex und Marcus sind unzertrennlich, bis Alex sein Gedächtnis bei einem Motorradunfall verliert. Er erinnert sich nur noch an Marcus und dieser gibt ihm seine Identität zurück. Jedoch verschweigt Marcus ein Geheimnis, das Alex erst später entdeckt. Die Episode beleuchtet die Tatsache, dass Erinnerungen oft verfälscht oder falsch sein können. Dies hat Auswirkungen auf die Rechtsprechung, da Zeugenaussagen immer noch eine wichtige Rolle bei der Beweisaufnahme vor Gericht spielen. Es wird auch erklärt, wie falsche Erinnerungen implantiert werden können. Zwei Experten, Professor Dr. Reinhard Pietrowsky und Professorin Dr. Aileen Oeberst, werden zu diesem Thema interviewt. Die Shownotes enthalten Informationen zu den Fallgeschichten, relevanten Dokumentationen und Büchern sowie weiterführende Artikel zum Thema Erinnerung und Trauma.

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#121 Lustmord

In this episode of the podcast "Mordlust - Verbrechen und ihre Hintergründe" (Murderlust - Crimes and their Backgrounds), the hosts discuss the murder motive of sexual gratification and what happens when people literally go over dead bodies to live out their sexual fantasies. They start by telling the story of Helena, a woman who moves to a peaceful neighborhood, unaware that she has entered the territory of a man who has been secretly observing and stealing women's underwear for years. One evening, this man appears in Helena's apartment. The hosts then talk about the case of Leni, an 8-year-old girl who goes missing after playing outside with her friends. She falls into the clutches of a man who sacrifices her life for his pleasure. The following 18 years are filled with investigations and an endless nightmare for Leni's family. The episode also delves into the topic of sexual offenders, including the different types and the prevalence of male perpetrators. They explain that not every murder involving sexual abuse is classified as a murder for sexual gratification and discuss the difficulties in establishing this motive. The hosts also touch on the topic of female perpetrators and provide statistics and facts about sexual offenders in Germany. The episode features an interview with Oberstaatsanwalt Thomas Hauburger, spokesperson for the public prosecutor's office in Gießen. The episode is divided into chapters, covering the two case studies, legal aspects, and different types of offenders. The show notes include references to relevant court judgments and articles for further reading.

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#120 Ein Angriff auf die Demokratie

In this podcast episode, the focus is on the case of Walter Lübcke, a CDU politician and government president of Kassel, Germany, who was targeted by right-wing extremists due to his proactive efforts to accommodate refugees. The episode explores the increasing number of crimes and acts of violence against politicians in Germany, which pose a serious threat to democracy. The guest expert in this episode is Dr. Felix W. Zimmermann, a jurist and editor-in-chief of Legal Tribune Online. The episode is divided into several chapters, including one that discusses the Walter Lübcke case, another on the threat to local politicians, and one on attacks by the far-right on politicians. The episode also delves into topics such as psychological complicity in a crime, video interrogations in court, and the concept of "Umvolkung". The episode includes links to additional resources for further information on the Walter Lübcke case and related topics.

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#119 Das Martyrium einer Studentin

In this podcast episode, the case of Yangjie Li is discussed. Yangjie, a Chinese architecture student, fulfills her dream of studying at the renowned Bauhaus University in Dessau, Germany. However, her life takes a dark turn when she is attacked while jogging one evening in May 2016. The episode explores the dysfunctional relationship between two individuals and the criticism surrounding the police's handling of the case. Experts in this episode include criminal psychologist Lydia Benecke and criminal law specialist Sven Peitzner. The episode is divided into chapters, covering different aspects of the case and related topics such as the murder of Alberto Adriano in Dessau, the wrongful death of Oury Jalloh, and the impact on the families of victims. The episode provides resources and references for further information on the case and related issues.

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#118 (Un)geschützt

In this episode of the podcast "Mordlust - Verbrechen und ihre Hintergründe," two cases of violence against vulnerable individuals are discussed. The first case revolves around the abuse of children, while the second case involves sexual violence against adults. Children, the sick, and the elderly are particularly dependent on the care of others, such as their parents or caregivers. While this dependency offers protection, it can also be exploited for violence. The focus of this episode is on the crime of mistreatment of wards, which applies in such cases. The first case takes place in April 2020 and involves a three-year-old girl named Emilia. After her daycare center closed due to COVID-19, Emilia finally returns and falls asleep after lunch. However, she never wakes up, and it becomes clear that her respiratory failure was neither an accident nor an isolated incident. The investigation points towards her caregiver, Vanessa. The second case takes place in a senior citizen center called "Sonnensee." While the center appears idyllic, a sinister chat group called "Panzerknacker" operated by some caregivers reveals a dark secret. While most of the staff are dedicated to caring for the elderly, a trio has different intentions. The victims in these cases, who are supposed to be protected by the perpetrators, often become defenseless. The podcast explores why such cases often go undetected and how the shortage of skilled workers in caregiving impacts this issue. The episode features an interview with Prof. Dr. Thomas Görgen, a professor of criminology and head of the department of criminology and interdisciplinary crime prevention at the German Police University. Additional information on violence prevention in caregiving can be found at the "Center for Quality in Care" website.

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#117 Sterbenskrank?

In this episode of the podcast "Mordlust - Verbrechen und ihre Hintergründe," two cases are discussed that involve individuals feigning illnesses for personal gain. The first case involves Ina, who meets Lara in a Facebook group for Roland Kaiser fans. Ina is deeply moved when she learns about Lara's supposed terminal cancer and decides to make her last months as enjoyable as possible. However, when Ina tries to fulfill Lara's final wish of going on a cruise, she receives a police summons instead of the expected tickets. The second case revolves around Kurt, who receives a package of sports shoes and unwittingly becomes a victim of identity theft. The episode explores the motivations behind these simulated illnesses, which include attention-seeking, sympathy, and financial advantages. It also delves into the concept of "artificial disorder" and discusses Munchausen syndrome and Munchausen-by-internet. The episode concludes with a discussion on potential penalties for individuals who engage in these fraudulent behaviors. The guest interviewee in this episode is Professor Dr. Annegret Eckhardt-Henn, the Medical Director of the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at the Klinikum Stuttgart.

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#116 Gewalt erzeugt Gegengewalt

In this episode of the podcast "Mordlust - Verbrechen und ihre Hintergründe", the focus is on self-defense and its limits. Two cases are discussed: the first involving a jeweler couple who are victims of a robbery, and the second involving a woman who cares for a sick acquaintance and later faces legal challenges. The episode explores when and how self-defense is allowed, including the use of pepper spray and physical force. It also examines the boundaries of self-defense, such as not using it against intoxicated individuals or children. The episode delves into the legal consequences if the person who initiated the attack dies during self-defense. The chapter breakdown includes the cases of Arthur & Elke and Martina, along with explanations of the legal aspects of self-defense. The podcast is hosted and produced by Paulina Krasa and Laura Wohlers, with research by Magdalena Höcherl. The episode's credits also include Pauline Korb for editing. The shownotes provide additional information about the cases discussed and their legal outcomes.

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#115 Abbruch

In dieser Podcast-Episode wird über Schwangerschaftsabbrüche in Deutschland gesprochen und warum eine Debatte über die Entkriminalisierung notwendig ist. Zwei Fallbeispiele werden präsentiert: In einem Fall bekommt Johanna Zwillinge, von denen eines eine schwere Hirnschädigung hat. Sie entscheidet sich dafür, nur den gesunden Fötus zur Welt zu bringen, was ethisch umstritten ist. In einem anderen Fall wird Lilly schwanger, aber das Kind ist nicht von ihrem neuen Partner, sondern von ihrem Ex. Er drängt sie zur Abtreibung, aber sie entscheidet sich dagegen. Die Episode beleuchtet auch die Konsequenzen des Gesetzes § 218, das Schwangerschaftsabbrüche in Deutschland illegal macht, und die Auswirkungen auf die medizinische Ausbildung, die Anzahl der verfügbaren Kliniken und Praxen und die Stigmatisierung von Schwangeren und Ärzten. Am Ende wird die Frage gestellt, wie notwendig der Paragraph 218 für Frauen ist, die ungewollt schwanger werden. Ein Interview mit Leonie Kühn, stellvertretende Vorsitzende von Doctors for Choice e.V., rundet die Episode ab.

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